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Castor oil for skin care and topical application: Unique amongst all plant oils
Castor oil is obtained from the castor plant (Ricinus communis, Euphorbiaceae). It is the only species within this genus. This relatively large shrub grows in tropical and subtropical climate. Whil...
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3 Types of Carrot Seed Oil in Natural Skin Care
There are many articles and YouTube tutorials available online about carrot seed oil and its use in skin care. These blogs and videos range from summarizing its composition and benefits for the ski...
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You might have come across the blanket statement that “60% of what you apply on your skin, gets absorbed into your bloodstream”. This statement has been perpetuated by the natural skin care industr...
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Plantain and plantain extract in natural skin care
Plantain medicine in skin care Plantain (Plangato spp.) is a very versatile and what I would call a foundational medicinal plant. Plantain’s most pronounced herbal action is astringent followed by...
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Plant-based, botanical and herbal skin care: what's the difference?
What do botanical skin care and plant-based skin care have in common with the Rolling Stones? Have you ever been a fan of a little-known alternative musical band that went viral after many years? L...
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Australian Rosehip Seed Oil and Vitamin C Myths
The myth that rosehip seed oil is rich in vitamin C is ubiquitous and spreads from one blog post to another. It is one of the most common natural skin care myths. It is about time it is undone. Wh...
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Local ingredients from Australian farms: a long overdue trend in Australian natural skin care.
In contrast to the natural skin care sector, local ingredients have become a symbol of luxury and health within Australian hospitality. Restaurants, cafes, food vans and their customers all sing od...
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