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Herbae Thylacini


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Hand-crafted the traditional way

Traditional Herbal skin care for sensitive skin

Slowly Crafted with

Local ingredients from Australian farms

Skin care in naturopathic practice

Online courses and classes

Letters from our

Happy customers

“I have been researching Australian skincare brands for years trying to find something that uses natural herbal ingredients, comes in glass packaging, isn't loaded with essential oils and is actually transparent about where their ingredients are sourced. I was beginning to think it was impossible until I stumbled upon your brand! I'm thrilled to support a small business that shares my values. Thank you so much for what you do”.

- Alana

I have used Kaja's custom made Chamomile and Burdock Cream on a stubborn eczema that my daughter (2) has developed behind her knees. We have tried several creams from a pharmacy to no avail. Yet, after only one application of this cream, we have seen a huge improvement! From scarlet red to pale. After a couple more days of using the cream the eczema has nearly gone. When we added the Hypericum and Chickweed Treatment as advised, the skin healed completely. It took us 5 weeks of trials to find the right product and then only 5 days to get rid of the problem. Thank you, Kaja!

- Kristy

"I suffer from eczema quite badly on my face (and body) and my skin is quite dry in general. I find the Calendula & Lemon Balm Face Oil is one of the best things (other than steroid cream) when I’m having a flare up. Thank you!"

- Jesse

"So much more than an exfoliator – [The Skin Treat] is a cleanser, mask and a true experience in a little pot. From the beautiful packaging to the stunning natural ingredients inside, this is a well thought out brand. A beauty ritual and sensory experience, my skin is visibly smoother after use. Love the brand’s small batch ethos and visible love and commitment in each product."

- Amy

I love that the Chickweed & Hypericum Body Treatment can be used not only for pregnant bellies / stretch marks, but also for massaging onto dry skin. Its also great that it can be poured into a bath to create a soothing spa I love a product that has multiple uses!

- Emma


Our range of award-winning herbal skin care protects, heals, moisturizes and nourishes even the most sensitive skin. We have helped countless clients with repairing their natural skin barrier and alleviated symptoms of itchiness or redness in their eczema-ridden skin. The subtle herbal scent of our herbal skin care is an orchestra of whole-plant extracts and naturally fragrant ingredients.

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We hand-craft all of our extracts following the traditional ways of Western herbalism. Their rich palette of colours is an important sign that they are loaded with medicinal constituents such as polyphenols, carotenoids, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals that our skin needs to thrive. They are crafted in small batches from seasonal plants without additional preservatives, thickeners and fillers.

“We are passionate about finding local and particularly native alternatives to imported exotic herbs and ingredients.”

Our Founder


Although my formal training is strongly based in science (pharmacy and chemistry) my life-long love of medicinal plants and herbs allows me to tap into the gentler, energetic form of herbal medicine. While I always craft our extracts and formulate our remedies with plants' chemical constituents in mind, I let the plants guide me to create the framework for our herbal offerings. A new formula always emerges as a strike of lightning in my heart and the brain work typically provides the final touches.

The Founder

Blog posts

On the origin of the “60% of your skin care gets absorbed” myth: The case of the misinterpreted study
Classes and courses

On the origin of the “60% of your skin care gets absorbed” myth: The case of the misinterpreted study

You might have come across the blanket statement that “60% of what you apply on your skin, gets absorbed into your bloodstream”. This statement has been perpetuated by the natural skin care industr...

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Plantain and plantain extract in natural skin care
Classes and courses

Plantain and plantain extract in natural skin care

Plantain medicine in skin care Plantain (Plangato spp.) is a very versatile and what I would call a foundational medicinal plant. Plantain’s most pronounced herbal action is astringent followed by...

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Plant-based, botanical and herbal skin care: what's the difference?

Plant-based, botanical and herbal skin care: what's the difference?

What do botanical skin care and plant-based skin care have in common with the Rolling Stones? Have you ever been a fan of a little-known alternative musical band that went viral after many years? L...

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